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ABOUT US AMPM Web & Digital is a division of AMPM Marketing We understand the value of your new website and we are committed to finding the best solution at a price that fits your budget. AMPM Marketing is a privately held company, founded in 1987. Over the years, the company has developed offering solutions …

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Grow your sales online Auckand Based Web Development & Marketing Agency Subscription Websites Affordable pay monthly subscription based websites ready in minutes Learn More Free 7 day Trial No Credit Card required Huge collection of templates to choose from Premium Websites Custom built with unique design and functionality for your business Learn More Unique design …

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Tracking your opened emails: an email marketing essential

Tracking the road to success for your business involves many factors, and tracking as many factors as possible is a good thing. As there are many tools you can use to track how many visitors are coming to your site, just like how Google Analytics works, there is also another tool to track your site’s traffic that gives you a comprehensive read on which channels are sending the most traffic and which content of your site is performing best. This tool is what we call Email Tracking.

Benefits of adding video to your website

Bringing in customers to your website is a crucial thing to make your business a success. As we all know, there is huge competition out there. And one way to get noticed is to think out-of-the-box. While not all are gifted in coming up with creative ways to get noticed, uploading custom videos to your website is one easy way to get people to notice your brand. Here are some of the benefits of maximising custom videos for promotions:

What is responsive web design?

A responsive web design is made to automatically change the entire web design and its contents according to the environment it will be put into or simply, the size of the device where it is opened, as shown in the above photo. Mobile responsive in web development refers to a web design which fluidly responds to any mobile devices whatever its screen size may be. One of the many positive attributes of using a responsive web design is that it costs less for businesses because it only uses one website for multiple versions.

FACEBOOK ADS: Why would you?

Welcome to the 21st Century, or the digital age for the tech-savvy. All the innovations of the past decades have led us into this age, where information exchange happens with just a few clicks or a few taps. In this age, mass communication is no longer limited to a sender-receiver relationship but is now interactive. This fact supports the idea that social media has become a significant tool in communication and is arguably out to get print and radio.

Is being on LinkedIn Important?

You could argue that social media is currently the most popular internet based service. Netizens sign up to social media to meet other people, share photos, read insights, check for status updates etc. It has made communication and connection easier. However, social media has also become a tool for background checking. Many of us are guilty of checking a person’s social media account to get to know the person better. Some do it simply for fun or curiosity, while others have a more professional purpose.

What is a Lead Magnet?

In a competitive market, there are a number of businesses targeting similar audiences with similar products and services. So how do you pull your ideal customers towards you?

We often see websites offering freebies such as free products, free access to videos or courses, e-books and others in exchange for contact information. These giveaways are called lead magnets. In the basic sense, a lead magnet is a product or service being given for free in exchange for contact information, which most often is a potential customer’s email address. A lead magnet can prove to be very effective in business to either boost a business’ popularity or directly drive revenue up.

What the Heck is Instagram?

Instagram is a popular photo-sharing application for smartphones. It is available for free on iOS and Android devices and can also be accessed on the web from a computer. However, users can only upload and share photos or videos from their devices.

Instagram is simple and convenient to use. You can simply take pictures, apply some creative touches and upload to your Instagram account. For those who are wondering why do we need to have a different application for taking pictures, the answer is relatively simple. The core function of Instagram is the simpler way to share and view photos, rather than be clueless with the many functions and features that are not user-friendly.